English Below

I was tired but her hand gave me the strength to climb up to the top. It was dark but her face lit up our path. It was raining but the fresh drops on her body drew her shapes in the dim light. Her intense and unforgettable perfume gave me the confidence of not being alone, the certainty that I was not dreaming.

"I do not ask too much. Only a woman to love, without complications. With her living the happy and the bad times. To have two children - G. if a boy, C. if a girl - and see them growing, together. »

"You're so romantic. This is what made me fall in love, but are you authentic? Are your words true or is it just a shabby trick to bring me in the bed? »

"How do you know if a red and round apple is also tasty and is not just perfect in appearance? »
Mary was silent for a moment, looking down. Then smiling, she approached shyly. She kissed me sweetly as a kid hidden under the table. Her moist lips, touching mine, stopped time. They made me forget that I was mortal. I was taken by an intense fusion of senses that I can only define "happiness".

an unexpected night of March @home - 03/05/2018 & 08/28/2017 - Parque Castro (Vigo) N.G.G.


Ero stanco ma la sua mano mi dava la forza di salire su in cima. Era buio ma il suo volto illuminava il nostro cammino.  Pioveva ma le gocce fresche cadendo sul suo corpo ne disegnavano le forme nella penombra. Il suo profumo intenso e indimenticabile mi dava la sicurezza di non essere solo, la certezza che non stessi sognando.
« Non chiedo troppo. Solo una donna da amare, senza complicazioni. Con lei vivere i momenti felici e quelli brutti. Avere due bambini - G. per il maschietto, C. per la femminuccia - e vederli crescere, insieme. » le dissi col cuore in mano.
« Sei così romantico. Questo è quello che mi ha fatto innamorare, ma sei autentico? Le tue parole sono vere o è solo uno squallido trucco per portarmi a letto? » mi rispose aspettando la reazione dai miei occhi. 

una inaspettata notte a casa - 03/05/2018 & 08/28/2017 - Parque Castro (Vigo) N.G.G.
